Week 61 — Ethereum’s Purge Progress | Restaking Hits $8B | Vitalik’s Vision for Millions | Layer 2’s $1T Potential | Solana Rugpull Alerts ⚠️

GM! Buidlers

In this edition of Hashing Bits, we highlight Ethereum’s growth with insights from Vitalik on the Purge and his call for developers to aim for a wider user base. We also cover Ethereum’s restaking achievements and VanEck’s optimistic forecast for Layer 2’s value, along with updates in Solana, Polygon, and Zeta Chain. We’re featuring essential developer tools like LigoLANG v1.5.0 and Remix v0.46.0. Amid these developments, we stress the importance of security with recent rug pulls on Solana, specifically the URF and CONDOM cases, reminding us of the ongoing need for vigilance in the blockchain space.

EtherScope: Core Developments 👨‍💻

  • Vitalik on next steps in the Purge
  • Ethereum restaking protocols’ TVL exceeds $8b
  • Vitalik Urges Ethereum Developers To Target ‘Millions’ Of Users Post-Dencun

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